Monday, November 28, 2011

Wire Wrapped Bookmarks

As much as I love to read, I found that most of the books that I've been planning to read been sitting in the rack collecting dust, some for years...I can't remember exactly when I read a whole book.
Managed a quarter of Eat, Play, Love sometime last year. Before I can finish it, I got distracted.
Those are books that I can physically hold.
There are also a collection of ebooks, emagazines sitting somewhere in my hard drive and ereader, waiting for me...wonder when I can get started with them.

Anyway, for those who love to read, here are few bookmarks completed recently.
Wire wrapped bookmarks with pearl, rose quartz and heart amethyst

Material used - 19ga stainless steel wire and various beads and gemstones.
Involved lots of hammering to harden the wire.
Designs are endless, just work on your imagination..e.g. shapes such as stars, triangles, squares, zig zag, etc. etc.

Wire wrapped bookmarks with pearl, rose quartz and heart amethyst

Wire wrapped bookmarks with rutilated quartz and glass beads

Wire wrapped bookmarks with pearl, rose quartz and heart amethyst in between pages of a novel

Wire wrapped bookmarks with native Sarawak beads 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wire Wrap Crystal Pendant - Triplets

We all have our own Thanksgiving Day and today its our US friends' turn.
Based on my little knowledge and understanding, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States every 4th Thursday in month of November.
So, I am taking this opportunity to wish Happy Thanksgiving Day to all friends and readers from the US.
Here in Malaysia, we celebrated our Thanksgiving Day back in Sept 12 (15th day of 8th lunar month), commonly known as Mid-Autumn Festival or the Moon Cake Festival. Well, as the name indicated, we celebrated with lots of mooncakes and lanterns :) More on Moon Cake Festival here.
Mid-Autumn Festival or the Moon Cake Festival

Back to wire jewelry, here is a recently completed crystal pendant.
They are triplets.
The crystals are rather small and quite difficult to work with.
However, as I don't want to disappoint a friend and myself, I managed to wire wrap them nicely.
Yes! I can do it! hahaha...just giving encouragement to self :)

Wire wrapped crystal pendants

Wire wrapped crystal pendants

Happy Holidays and have a great day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jewelry or Handbags?

Are you a jewelry or a handbags person?
No! This is not a quiz and there are no correct or wrong answers :)
When it comes to jewelry and handbags, I admit I am both a jewelry and handbags person.
Of course, not forgetting shoes, apparel, accessories, etc. etc. but these would be for another day.

Now, back to jewelry and handbags, I am sure you'd agree they are women's best friends.
Erm...What am I rambling about this time?
Well, its mid-November now and December is coming.
So many holidays around the corner - Christmas, New Year and Chinese New Year....
Now you know what I am getting at? :)
It is the time of the year again......where you see sales sign everywhere, 70% less, 50% less, 20% less, etc.
Yeah! It is shopping time!
Too much temptation, its hard not to shop.

Handbags! Purses!
1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, they are never enough.
I...lurv!..lurv!..lurv!....handbags and purses.
I am always in search for the perfect handbags and purses, which is not easy.
Maybe that is why we women always ended up with more (handbags and purses) than we can use.
If you are like me, still searching for the perfect one, how about shop handbags here.
The perfect one might be here :)

As for jewelry, I don't really shop for them as I made them myself....a bit of self promotion here..hehe
Anyway, if you are looking for jewelry, shop jewelry might just have what you're looking for. There is a handmade category if you prefer handmade. 

Until the next time, happy shopping!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Birthday Boy and his Sketches

Henry celebrated his 6th birthday 4 days ago. How time flies....
It was his happiest day because he got his birthday cake with Ben 10 theme (he's been thinking about this cake for the last few months), he got some presents for his kindy friends and got a huge red heart drawing in return, he got his favorite beach ball, he got to eat at one of his favorite places, he got his Ben 10 comic book and two more story books.
Glad he decided to have books instead of toys.
Here is the birthday boy and his brother :)
Henry with his 6th birthday cake

William and Henry

Henry and William love to sketch and draw.
Guess all kids are the same. Now, I am going to bring a bit of smile to your face with his sketches of the family .......
Henry sketches of family
From left to right, that's me with my favorite green blouse (that's according to him... ermm maybe I wear it too often), followed by the daddy, William and himself the smallest with his favorite color, blue.
Henry sketches of the mumSketch of Henry himself
That is me again on the left and him on the right. He missed out his nose.
Notice my necklace and pendant? Very nice, so sweet of him.
Then, I asked him to draw a close up of me...curious on how I look like in his eyes................
Henry sketch of mummy
Tada!!!! How about that? Can't help but LOL....I gave him an A+++ for this.
But why is it my eyes always looking downward?
Maybe I am busy with wirework all the time...LOL...
Anyway, I love that all his sketches of us are with smiling faces.
Self portrait of himself/Henry
Finally, a self-portrait of :)
So, what do you think of this sketches?
I think they are very cute...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Something wrong with my site

Phew! Its back to normal :)
Will be posting soon.
Oh no......Something is wrong with my blog..
Getting some help....

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Brass Wire and Sparklies

So far I mostly work with stainless steel wire, gold filled wire and a little bit of silver and copper wire.
Last weekend I decided to try out the brass wire that I purchased recently.

Erm...I found that it is quite easy to work with.
In fact a bit too soft for me.
I like the color though. They looks like gold, don't you think so?
Just hope that it doesn't tarnish over time.

Here are the results - A pearl bracelet and adjustable wire wrap ring, with tiny pearls.
A pearl bracelet and adjustable wire wrap ring, with tiny pearls 
If you'd like to learn how to make the adjustable ring, 
the tutorial is available at my etsy shop here - Adjustable Wire Wrapped Ring Tutorial
A pearl bracelet and adjustable wire wrap ring, with tiny pearls
Look at the gold like color....

Wire wrapped (gold filled wire) rings with agate and Swarovski crystals
I am going to bored you with this Sparkly Ring again.
Wire wrapped (gold filled wire) a bunch of them last weekend..phew!

Wire wrapped (gold filled wire) rings with pearl and Swarovski crystals
If you are interested, the tutorial for this ring is also available at my etsy shop here - Sparkly Crystal Ring
Seems like I am making the same ring all the time.
But, people love them.....
...and I love your visits...