Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wire Wrapped Jasper Ring and A Fruity One

This will be an extra short post.
Feeling tired and sleepy....zzzz
Do enjoy pictures of these two wire wrapped rings completed....about 2 weeks ago...
Yeah! That long to edit and get them posted......

Good night and sweet dreams my dear readers :)
Wire wrapped Jasper ring

Wire wrapped Jasper ring side view

Wire wrapped Jasper ring top view

Wire wrapped Jasper ring bottom view

Wire wrapped fruity ring with various gemstones

Wire wrapped fruity ring with various gemstones

Friday, June 17, 2011

Artist-made Beads Giveaway at The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton

The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton: Thursday Giveaway...
If you like beads, unique one of a kind artist-made beads, head on to Andrew's blog.
He is having an awesome beads give away right on the link above...
All you have to do is leave a comment, and pray hard....hehehe....
Wish you all the best of luck......
I am salivating over these beads right now...just kidding...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Moonstone Prong Ring my Father Made Me

My father is a welder so he works with metal a lot.
He also makes his own jewelry but almost exclusively ring.
Not sure why I didn't catch the jewelry making bug from him back then but he made quite a number of them.
Maybe because he works with stainless steel block and not wire.
As far as I remember, he never sold any of his handmade rings.
He does take his own sweet time in making them though - few months to finish a piece! including my ring here which I collected when we went for our vacation two weeks ago.

This ring (Moonstone) is a special request from me.
He said it's not that well done but I am very happy with it because with this ring I feel a different kind of connection with him...we actually share the same interest..and I am sure I inherited this talent/skill from him...:)
Handmade moonstone prong ring

close up of handmade moonstone prong ring

close up (bottom) of handmade moonstone prong ring
No soldering. The prongs or claws are cut from the same piece that form the ring.
close up of handmade moonstone prong ring around my finger
Now, it stays on my finger! <3

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Wire Wrapped Jade Donut Pendant

I have been slack in updating this blog lately but I hope it will pick up soon....mmmm...been saying this for the hundredth times? :) but I hope you don't mind and keep reading or at least look at the pictures posted here to get inspired.....
This is a commissioned jade pendant. Completed just before we went off for our two weeks holidays.
wire wrapped jade donut pendant
wire wrapped jade donut pendant
Side view, kind of complicated but not really...just follow the flow.
view of the little spiral behind the wire wrapped jade donut pendant
View of the back...simply a little spiral.
side view of the wire wrapped jade donut pendant
Side view of the back, not as complicated.
Have a great weekend dear readers!

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Two Wire Wrapped Donut Pendants

These two donut pendants are for man.
For all that I remember, I have not done a lot of men jewelry and I hope this two are masculine enough that the owner is comfortable wearing them.
Both donuts are really huge. My first time working with such huge donuts..LOL..
The jade measures about 5cm+ while the rutilated one just slightly smaller.

two wire wrapped donut pendant for man - rutilated gem and jade
On my palm and you can see how huge they are.
Maybe I have short fingers :)!
two large wire wrapped donut pendants for man - rutilated gem and jade on my hand
Close up of the weaving and "black needles" within the stone.
Close up of the weaving and "black needles" within the stone
......and the other one.
Close up of the weaving for the jade dunot pendant
Enjoy your remaining weekend......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spider Web Wire Wraps and Happy Mother's Day (Belated)

Happy belated Mother's Day to all moms and soon to be moms out there.
As usual, I am always belated lately :) especially in updating this blog.
Anyway, it was a quite Mother's Day for me. Just dinner at one of the boys favorite places.
As mother, I am happy when they are happy. After all, that's what being a mother is about....of course there are other things but HAPPY is a big word for children. I am sure a lot of you would agree...yes! yes! yes!?
There is a saying "We never know the love of the parent until we become parents ourselves".

Enough rambling, here is one wire wrapped pendant I completed recently.
This is a relatively big stone (name and origin not known) that looks like palm oil seed.
spider web wire wrapped pendant
It is rounded and has no hole so I spent some time figuring out how to wrap and secure this stone.
I ended up with this "spider web wire wraps" and I am quite happy with the outcome.
Here are more pictures of the pendant. Got the idea?
I wonder how this wrap would work with irregularly shaped stones?
close up of the spider web wire wrapped pendant
Have a great week!