Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Still Playing with Wire Wrapped Number

After number 8, I was inspired to wire wrapped another number.
This time around another lucky number - the number 3.
In Chinese culture, the number 3, "saam" sounds like "birth", thus considered as very lucky - more info here
For this piece, I use the combination of stainless steel and copper wire, and pearls.
Copper wire is so easy to work with :) How I wish stainless steel wire is as soft as that :)
Wire Wrapped Number 3 - copper wire and pearl
Wire Wrapped Number 3 - copper wire and pearl
Wire Wrapped Number 3 - copper wire and pearl

Avia's simple guide to spiritual meaning of numbers is very interesting. Here the meaning for number 3:
Three: The spiritual meaning of number Three deals with magic, intuition, fecundity, and advantage. The number Three invokes expression, versatility, and pure joy of creativity. Three is also a time identifier as it represents Past, Present and Future. Consecutive Threes in your life may symbolize the need to express yourself creatively, or consider your present directional path in relation to past events and future goals. Three may also represent promising new adventures, and assurance of cooperation from others whom you may require help. Three typically symbolizes reward and success in most undertakings - Source:
Looking forward to wire wrap more numbers :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Outing With the Boys - Prawning

We took the boys out for their first prawning (fishing for prawn) experience today.
The spots we went to are several irrigation canals in Samarahan, about an hour drive from the city.
Because the area is low lying, the water is brackish and subject to tide movements.
We used to frequent these places before the boys came along.
Now that they are older, we are introducing them to this activity that we enjoyed so much then.
If they like it, there will be many more weekends like this.
There goes my time for wire jewelry.......
We left at about 1pm and it was a hot! hot! day.
Here are pictures of their/our first prawning experience.
the boys fishing for prawn - prawning
Waiting patiently.
William standing proudly with his fishing rod
William with his first fishing rod and reel.
William scared of the little prawn
Can you believe it? He is so scared of this small little prawn....LOL..
This is the only prawn we caught this trip!
william holding the tmall fish he caught
 His first little fish.
We caught few of this but we released them.
red worm in the bowl with mud as bait
The bait! Only hubby dares to touch and handle them. Yucky!
sitting beside the car while waiting for the strike
More waiting.
wire wrapped rod tip guide on the fishing rod
Look familiar? Yeah, wire wrapped rod tip least my wire wrapping skill still required here...LOL
happy Henry
two boys searching for the best fishing spot
We met these two boys at the same spot.
Both are only 11 years old but they are expert fishermen.
two boys handling the fish net
two boys in the river laying their fishing net
a boy tying his fishing net in place
Henry watching the two boys in the river from the bridge
At the end of the day, they say Yes! they love it and would like to do it again.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cheryl's Sparkly Crystal Rings

This post should have been out earlier.
I received an email from Cheryl with attached pictures of her first attempt of the Sparkly Crystal Ring based on my tutorial. I was stuck in a hotel room in Bintulu with lousy wifi connection so didn't manage to blog about it.
Back home, I got distracted by work and an urgent custom order it is...
Don't you feel energize with the color combination?
Very well executed for a first try. 
Cheryl's Wire Wrapped Sparkly Crystal Rings
Cheryl's Wire Wrapped Sparkly Crystal Rings
I did not see them there last week but now Cheryl has few of them in her shop - Sugar Sugar Designs
The extra coils for the shank make the ring more sturdy.
All the best for you Cheryl.

I have forgotten how many of other jewelry friends' creations I have posted here but I will never get tired of showing off your works :)
So, if you have pretties made based on my tutorial/s, show them off!
I'd love to show them off here for you too. Just email me pictures of your piece/s.
If you have website, webshop, blog, etc, let me know too and I can link to them in the post.
Good for you and good for me :D

If you would like to try making this sparkly ring, check out the tutorial at my Etsy Shop - Sparkly Crystal Ring Tutorial

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Lucky Number "8" - Pendant

If you are a Chinese, then you know that number "8" is considered a very lucky number.
If possible, you'd want this number in your phone no., house no., account no., car plates, special days, etc! etc! Some people are willing to pay high price to get this lucky number.
Why is this number considered lucky?
Well, simply because the word "eight" in Chinese (Cantonese in my case) sounds like the word "fatt" (read as in "butt") which means "to prosper/ prosperity". This refers to prosperity in terms of wealth most of the time :)
In jewelry, there are lots that represent this lucky number.
Maybe when it is worn against your body/skin, it is more potent. Hope so!
OK, to the point of this post, here is a custom made wire wrapped number "8" pendant.
This pendant measures about 5cm from top to bottom.
Embellished with natural seed pearls and a large teardrop smoky quartz.
The white (pearl) and black (quartz) represent the Ying and Yang of life.
The Lucky Number "8" - Pendant with pearl and Smoky Quartz

The Lucky Number "8" - Pendant with pearl and Smoky Quartz
I wish the owner, all the "fatt" after she wears this pendant.
Throw some spillover, over to me...LOL!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

WireBliss Logo I & Facebook Fan Page

WireBliss Logo I
This is what I have been busy with today.
Since this blog makeover last Feb, I have been wanting to create the logo with wire.
Finally did it today with several fine copper wires twisted together.
WireBliss Logo 2010
This is "Logo I" as I foresee more to come, till I am satisfied with it ;D

Facebook Page
Finally got this one up and running too (although I created it many many weeks ago)
For those already became fan, thank you! (although I have not send out invitation :))
Now, I am inviting you all to be on my FB Page.
Click on the above link and it will bring you to my FB Page.
From there just click on "Like" - at top right hand.
Alternatively, you can do it through the widget on the sidebar of this blog.
At the moment its quite empty except for my blog feeds.
Actually, still figuring out how the page works.

If you do not want to be a fan, its ok, you can still opt to follow my blog or subscribe to my feed to get updates from time to time.

Now! Go ahead and enjoy the rest of the weekend cause mine is ending :(
Time to go to "lala land"....zzzzzzz

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Jade Donut Pendant, Chinese Pipa

The last time I made a similar pendant was in April 01, 2008 - look at this post.
Exactly 2 years and 2 days ago! just notice the date when linking the post :)
How time flies.
Revisited, with a slightly bigger jade, unakite, red coral and agate (because its a custom order).
Wire Wrapped Jade Donut Pendant, Chinese PipaWire Wrapped Jade Donut Pendant, Chinese Pipa
Wire Wrapped Jade Donut Pendant, Chinese Pipa

If you would like to learn how to make the pipa wrap with wire,
or Chinese Knots with wire, Corra has the tutorial/s. 

Corra is an expert in Chinese Knotting with wire.
(disclaimer - Corra's PIPA knot tutorial is for earrings and not this pendant
don't want to be blamed for misleading later on. Need a bit of modification for this piece)
Happy weekend and creating :)