Saturday, March 20, 2010

TAW Bracelet Tutorial and Deliciously Flowing

TAW (Twice Around the World) Wire Wrapped Braceletmy Sixth sense whispered to me that I should start doing the tutorial for TAW (Twice Around the World) Wire Wrapped Bracelet.
If you feel like laughing at me :D ;D, go ahead and laugh all you want but I listen to my sixth sense all the time :)
I think you do too :)
Don't you? Don't you?...LOL....LOL
Will start working on it tonight.
Meanwhile, here is another deliciously wrapped
piece/s for your viewing pleasure :)
When was the last time I made something for myself?
Can't remember exactly but this one is for me :P
Mixed gemstones long necklaces
Why I love them so much?
* There are 5 individual necklaces here.
* No clasp! Yay! Slip on just like slip on slippers
   and I am ready to go.
* Easy and no fuss and suitable for any occasion.
* As there are 5 of them, I can choose to wear
   just 1, 2, or 3, or 4 or all 5 at once.
* The are very light weight. The chain are really tiny!
   If you look closely, the smallest wire loop that I made are
   still like 3 times bigger the the chain link.
* The stones, they are mixture of all my favorite gems,
   pearls and crystals - tourmaline, peridot, garnet,
   agate, pearls, moonstone, amethyst, fluorite,
   rutilated quartz, citrine, aquamarine, prehnite,
   cherry quartz, Swarovski crystals, etc.
***Have a wonderful weekend!
Mixed gemstones long necklaces

Friday, March 19, 2010

Deliciously Wrapped, Swarovski Pearls

That's all I can say :) for this fruity ring
wire wrapped furity ring with mixed gemstones -Amethyst
wire wrapped furity ring with mixed gemstones -Amethyst, Moonstone, Tourmaline
These Swarovski Pearls are for the next project - Sparkly Crystal Rings.
My first time with Swarovski Pearls so lets wait for the outcome :)
They all look so perfect, too perfect in fact.
Gold filled wire and Swarovski Pearls for the next project - Sparkly Crystal Rings

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Double Abundance and Time

How time flies. I didn't realize that its been a week since I last posted.
Office work been keeping me busy these days including weekends :(
Although I tried to keep work within the confine of "office hours", Monday - Friday, sometimes its just impossible. Not that I like to, but got to, as my line of work involves deadlines all the time.
Maybe my time management is not good enough. But I only have so much time right?
Will I do it better with a citizens watch?
That also explains why I have been a bit slow in the wire jewelry creations department.
By the time work is done, the mood for creating is not there anymore. Not only that, I have been out of touch with facebook friends and tweetering as well.
Most of the time, I'd be surfing here and there, aimlessly.
It is during one of these surfing session that I came across this site - of all sites, a watch site, gold mens watch, you name it, there is a long list there. Guess they know I have been thinking about time a lot these days. Not that I am planning to buy watch but I was attracted to the jewelry and the site layout.
You know I have been working on my site layout.
There are items and links I want to put up there but still no time to work on it.
This watch liquidator site is an inspiration.
I'd like my site to be like that one day - minimum clutter, easy and fast navigation and their shipping info, payment terms, F&Q are clearly explained in straight forward fashion.
Yeah! Lots of work needed there and clutters to clear up. What more, blogger now allows you to create your own templates design. Now I need more citizens watches!
Hopefully after this week, I'd be 'freer' to create.
I have said this hundred of times but its mid-March now and I am still behind.

Ok! not to bore you more with my rambles, here is a wire wrapped double donuts pendant I managed to complete after a long long time. Sorry Bi to have kept you waiting for a while :)
This is really a special pendant and the feeling it gives me is - ABUNDANCE!
Isn't it great?
I wish for abundance of time.
How about you?
wire wrapped double donuts pendant - tiger eye and jade
 wire wrapped double donuts pendant - tiger eye and jadewire wrapped double donuts pendant - tiger eye and jade

Monday, March 08, 2010

Multi Stones and Colors Wire Cuff

This multi-stones and colorful wire cuff took the longest time to complete.
Not sure why! I started yesterday and only managed to finish this evening.

multi-stones and colorful wire cuff
multi-stones and colorful wire cuff
Various beads and stones were used for this cuff.
19ga wire for the frame and 28ga for coiling and wrapping stones, crystals and pearls to the frame.

Kuching is so hot these few days.
When its hot and humid, the mood for creating also affected...just wishing there's an air condition in the living room :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Chap Goh Meh, Caged Pendant and Whimsicalnquirky

Happy Chap Goh Meh! the 15th night of Chinese New Year. It is also known as the Chinese Valentine's Day and marks the end of the Lunar New Year. In places like Penang, the celebration is associated with young single women tossing tangerines into the sea with the hope that their future life partner will pick it up. Not sure if they do it here in Kuching though.
We celebrated quite simply with family dinner, fired a few firecrackers and took the boys for a spin around town, watching firecrackers lighting up the city's skyline.
The moon is brightest tonight and people are still lighting up the sky with fire crackers as I am typing this. Tomorrow, it is time to go back to life as usual, back to work, back to business and no more long holidays.
I didn't manage to make any wire jewelry today but am sharing one that I completed yesterday - a caged turquoise pendant, similar to this one.
Used 22ga wire for the wrapping.
a caged turquoise pendant
a caged turquoise pendant
a caged turquoise pendant
Hey look what M of Whimsicalnquirky came up with - Rosy Bliss based on my Wire Wrapped Rose Earrings Tutorial :) While you are there, do check out her amazing works. 
Thank you for sharing this M :)

Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Layout, Logo and Adjustable Ring

By now you must have noticed what I did to my blog - a complete makeover. Something I have been thinking and wanting to do for a long time.
It's been almost a week but I am still tweaking here and there trying to clean up the site whenever I have the time.
You might not be able to access the site sometimes for the last few days but it should be ok now except for a link that is still not working at the time I am writing this post ;)

I gave up on Internet Explorer. I think the problem is IE and not my blog.
I tried accessing with IE and it got stuck halfway and just hung.
If you are using IE, I expect you'd be facing the same problem.
So, PLEASE change to other browser such as FireFox.
Wire wrapped seed beads adjustable ring 
 Wire wrapped seed beads adjustable ring on my finger
Oh ya! I got my new logo as well :)
Planning to make one with real wire and see how it goes.

holding a heartshaped potato
How do you like this heart shaped potato? Love is great! even with potato :)

If you have the time, I would like to hear what you think of my new blog layout/design and logo? 
No worry, I can accept positive and negative comments. 
There should not be any problem with the comment box!
Thank you for your time in advance. 

If you would like to know the creator of this new template layout/design, check out Derek at BlogerSkinz. I discovered him by accident but at the right time :)