Monday, December 21, 2009

Wire Wrapped Multi Gemstone Ring

This multistone ring seems to look better from the inside than the outside :)
A really tiny ring for a tiny finger - size 7. Stones are Tourmaline, Moonstone and Cherry Quartz, all my favorite stones.
Well, its 3 more days till Christmas and I still owe people some pretties. Hope I can finish them in time.
Got to go now, happy viewing and get inspired.
Wire Wrapped Multi gemstone Ring Wire Wrapped Multi gemstone Ring
 Wire Wrapped Multi gemstone Ring on finger

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ethnic Ring - The Eyes are Watching

Today I am reminded of Iza when I made this Ethnic Ring. If you don't know her, check out her awesome jewelry designs here. She has an etsy shop selling tutorials here.
Anyway, back to the ring, I took longer time than usual to complete this ring. Actually I redo 3 times to get the right size. The first one was too small, on second try the wires didn't want to cooperate so I threw the whole thing into the dustbin...a bit frustrated. Finally on third try, just the size I wanted.
Wire Wrapped Ethnic Ring - The Eyes are Watching

 close up of the Wire Wrapped Ethnic Ring - The Eyes are Watching
 Wire Wrapped Ethnic Ring - The Eyes are Watching

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Woven Earrings

Sometimes I find it a bit difficult to start on a project. This woven earrings is one of them. Maybe it is because it involves lots of coiling :) Although I use drill to coil the wire, the thought of the heavy drill, recharging the battery if its been sitting idle for a while and setting up the vice clamp can delay things a bit :) 
Don't get me wrong as I don't mind complicated projects but when there are simpler projects at the same time, I will start with the simpler projects first.
How about you?
close up of the wire woven earrings

 wire woven earrings
P.s, this woven earrings was completed on time though ;)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Braided Wire Cuff - Facing the Cobra Edition

The problem with taking too many pictures is to decide which one to post here.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy these pictures.  
This braided wire cuff was completed many days ago to be paired with the green braided ring posted earlier. They are now with their new owner :) Other similar braided wire cuff I wire wrapped previously are here and here.

Braided Wire Cuff - Facing the Cobra Edition

Braided Wire Cuff - Facing the Cobra Edition

Braided Wire Cuff - Facing the Cobra Edition around wrist

Monday, December 14, 2009

Braided Wire Ring

This braided wire ring turned out totally different from initially planned.
This one is made of 24ga sterling silver wire and oxidized using the egg method as I have shared here before.
What I like most about this ring is that the stone is flanked on both sides by two small roses. The same rose as my wire rose earrings and rose rings :D

braided wire ring with wire rose accent
 braided wire ring with wire rose accent
This ring is paired with a braided cuff, picture of which should be coming soon as I have loads of them to go through and edit.
Have a wonderful week then.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wire Wrapped Rose Earrings and Brooch

Back when I just started with wire jewelry over 3 years ago, one of the first people I got to know is Kulli (Karnaaks) from Estonia. She especially love my Twice Around the World Bracelet. :) Be patience a bit ya Karnaaks! I should get started with the tut soon.
We lost touch for a while, then we got connected via Facebook. But then I just don't get to read all the fresh feeds each day. Most of the time I missed out on these feeds and happenings, including hers.
Recently though we got in touch again when she shared with me her wire wrapped rose earrings and brooch. She did them her way and they are some beautiful variations.
Here are some pictures of her creations. Hope you got inspired by them.