Sunday, August 30, 2009

More Wire Wrapped Sparkly Bracelets

wire wrapped sparkly crystal braceletsBeen trying to wire wrap as much as I could this weekend but still not happy with my speed. I only managed to complete these two sparkly bracelets. Both are wire wrapped 6mm bicone Swarovski Crystals and Butterflies. They shall be on the way to NZ soon :)

Final Resting Place - AhKong (Grandpa)

AhKong left us for almost 3 weeks already. Yesterday, we visited him and took picture of his "Palace" here. Almost done except for his picture which should go on the oval shaped slot on the tombstone.

R.I.P Ah Kong! We miss you very much.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wire Wrapped Sparkly Bracelets

Just completed these sparkly bracelets. The one on the left is wire wrapped with 14k goldfilled wire while the one on the right is sterling silver wire. All beads are 8mm donut shaped Swarovski Crystals. They measure between 17cm to 21cm in length.
Wire Wrapped Sparkly Bracelets - Swarovski CrystalsWire Wrapped Sparkly Bracelets - Swarovski CrystalsIts late, so good night/morning for now...zzzzzzzzz!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Pearl Earrings, Rose Earrings & Rose Ring

wire wrapped pearl earringsAnother simple earring design to go with the pearl bracelets made yesterday. Opps! I should make another one for the blue pearl bracelet..Duh! wire wrapped rose earringsI love this pair of Rose Earrings. They are easy to make. However, you will need to know how to make the Rose Ring first though. The ear hook is not separate from the rose. They are all in one piece of wire :) Maybe I should come up with a tutorial for this pair of earrings. What do you think? The Rose Ring Tutorial is available at my Etsy Shop if you are interested.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wire Wrapped Pearl Bracelets

Wire Wrapped Blue and With Pearl BraceletsTwo simple wire wrapped pearl bracelets for sis-in-law. I made her two pearl necklaces back in 2007 (wow! it has been that long! time really flies) and only now she requested for the bracelets. Will be posting more later.

Sago Worms for Dinner!

Sago worms for dinnerFat and buttery sago worms for dinner last night! No! William didn't take any of them. I forced him to smile for the camera though :) I tasted one of them last year but that was the first and last for me. Not that it tasted bad, but the wormy look is a turnoff.

Anyway, these deep fried Sago Worms were for Audrey, who is back from NZ for the funeral. She listed down all the food she'd like to try out while here and these Worms are one of them. Didn't manage to take pix of the worm in her mouth though. We were too busy looking at her reaction and forgot all about taking pictures.

But like me, its her first and last Sago Worm!...LOL
Threw out the whole plate after that as no one is brave enough to try them out.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant by Emily

Emily did it again! I posted her other creations before - Wire Wrapped Tulip Pendant, Athena's Shield, Caged Herringbone Weaved Bead, Sparkly Ring and Rose Ring. She is getting better and better each day. Just look at her Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant below. Honestly, her butterfly looks prettier than mine :) Well done Emily! and thank you for sharing. Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant by Emily Check out other wire wrapping tutorials in my Etsy Shop.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Stringing Projects

Sometimes I wonder why I don't do stringing projects more often. They are much! much! much! easier than wire wrapping. They are much faster to complete. I can complete one necklace under half and hour. On the other hand I need at least 3 to 4 hours to complete one wire wrapped necklace or 1 to 2 hours for a wire wrapped bracelet. Much more hours needed if the wire wrapping is complicated. Stringing project for necklaceBut then I realized stringing is just stringing. All you need are string, clasps, pliers and beads or gemstones. Put them all together and you are done. Of course, a bit more creativity will create one of a kind stringed piece. Wire wrapping on the other hand still requires all the above except the string. But then of course lots of patience and load of imagination and creativity. With wires, I can manipulate them into various designs and shapes which string can't do. You can't make a clasp out of string do you? Or you can? stringed braceletAt the end of the day, completing a wire wrapped piece gives me more satisfaction and sense of accomplishment than completing a stringed piece of jewelry. Hmm.....maybe you don't agree with me. The above necklaces, bracelet and earrings turned out quite well but I am still crazy about wires and wire wrapping jewelry ;D Have a happy wrapping day!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

SATeam Treasuries - Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant

As far as I am aware of, I have never been in a treasury before. Tonight, to my pleasant surprise I found my tutorial for Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant in the SATeam Treasuries (blog post here). The tutorial pix is right at the bottom left. I see a lot of familiar names and tutorials there too. Check them out!
Click on photo to enlarge

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Passing of a Centenerian

It has been almost a week and it has been busy one. Not busy with wire jewelry but on family matters. We bid our last goodbye to our dearest beloved grandfather/great grandfather last Friday who lived and enjoyed life to the fullest right up to almost a century, 95 to be exact. We will miss him very much but we also know that he is now with someone who loves him more. Goodbye "Ah Kong" and we love you always.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

NEW TUTORIAL - Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant

Finally its OUT! This one took the longest time to finish. Apology to those who requested for it and waited for so long. Not because it is difficult to make but because I got distracted by lots of things, happenings and responsibilities along the way. Anyway, Check it out at my etsy shop - Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant TutorialAlthough i categorized this project as an intermediate level project, it will be easy for anyone even a beginner. The clear and close up pictures together with description will guide you every step of the way to complete your first butterfly pendant :) Happy Sunday and Happy Wrapping all. Here's to Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant! Wire Wrapped Butterfly Pendant projects

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Modelling the Rose Ring

One of the happiest moment for me is when people say they love my wire jewelry creations. Today, Pat emailed me some pictures of her and friends modelling the rose rings and said.
Mei, You must be proud seeing us modelling your rings! ahahahaha!
Yes! Yes very proud and happy. Thanks for sharing Pat.
modelling the wire wrapped rose rings

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Crafts Promotion at Kuching Waterfront

Today is the last day of the Malaysian Crafts Promotion at Kuching Waterfront. It started on July 31st. It was really a hassle to go there as one side of the road is closed for traffic and tents are set up there. Made few rounds until I decided to park about half a kilometer away. Overall, I am quite dissappointed as there are more textiles stalls than other crafts. The crowd was small...maybe because it was noon time and its so so so hot. Enjoy the pictures here: Click on the photo to enlarge. Malaysian Crafts Promotion at Kuching WaterfrontMalaysian Crafts Promotion at Kuching WaterfrontMalaysian Crafts Promotion at Kuching Waterfront

Rose! Rose! I Still Love You

My photo editing is not done yet but I took some time off to make these Rose! Rose! I Love You wire wrapped rings this afternoon. A really quick project and quite simple. Off to their new owners very soon. wire wrapped rose rings