Saturday, May 24, 2008

Blooming Orchid

Planting orchids is hubby's hobby. This is one of his orchids currently in full bloom. Not sure of the name of this species - hubby gone fishing so can't reach him to ask...:) Anyway, this is just too pretty to ignore. So, I want to share the bloom with you here. Blooming orchidclose up of blooming orchid


  1. wow, nice! i hope they'll bloom again when i go back end of this year!

  2. Yeah, hopefully! They are really pretty at this time.

  3. These are goreous. My hubby grows all sort of lilies. Maybe I can get him to start some orchids.

  4. Show us some pix when they bloom. I must warn you that orchids need lots of TLC (tender loving care) :)


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